The Differentiation Theory of Meaning in Indian Logic

Sharma, Dhirendra, Ratnakirti, Mouton, Studies in Philosophy, Pages: 129, Hardcover, English, Sanskrit, Year: 1969, Ex-library copy, Hardbound, Bulgaria
For the first time a complete rendering of Apohasiddhi is presentedhere for the English reader of philosophical acumen and for thosewho are interested in the study of the development of logic in India. Apohasiddhi was written in about the one thousand andfiftieth year of the Christian calendar, its author being Ratnakirti, the last Indian logican of the Buddhist Order.
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Apohasiddhi of Ratnakirti covers the many interrelated problems of meaning such as its epistemological, logical and ontological aspects. It is an extremely difficult treatise inasmuch as the author did not clarify many terms and issues, assuming that they were known to his philosophically oriented readers. Stcherbatsky, in his monumental work Buddhist Logic, translated Vacaspatimisra's Apohavada section of Nyayavartika-tatparyatika.
Author :
Sharma, Dhirendra
Co-authors :
  • Ratnakirti
  • Sharma. D.
Place :
  • Haag
Publisher :
Series :
Studies in Philosophy
Pages :
  • Hardcover
Language :
  • English
  • Sanskrit
Year :
Condition :
Notes :
  • Ex-library copy
  • Hardbound
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Review of B.K. Matilal (apoha_rev.png, 65 Kb) [Download]

The monograph is an important addition to the recent studies of Indian logic and philosophy of language.
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