


Offering books in Western and Oriental philosophy, especially in German phenomenology, Indian metaphysics, Buddhist logic and epistemology. You will find also books in Linguistics, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, History and Cognitive science.

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24 лв.
Condition: 90, Bulgaria
David Fraawley. How I Became a Hindu: My discovery of vedic dharma. Delhi: Voice of India, 2000, 208 pp.
1 item/s

80 лв.
Condition: 80, Bulgaria
Yogasutram by Maharishi Patanjali, with Six Commentaries: (1) Rajamartanda by Bhojaraja, (2) Pradipika by Bhava-Ganesha, (3) Vritti by Nagoji Bhatta, (4) Maniprabha by Ramanandayati, (5) Chandrika by Anantadeva, and (6) Yoga-sudhakara by Sadashivendra Sarasvati. - Kashi Sanskrit Series 83. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, 1982, 64, 6, 12, 222 pp.
1 item/s

80 лв.
Condition: 95, Bulgaria
Kumarila Bhatta's Slokavarttika, translated by Ganganatha Jha. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1985, 568 pp.
1 item/s

70 лв.
Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Jadunath Sinha. Indian Realism. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1986, XVI, 287 pp.
1 item/s

16 лв.
Condition: 99, Bulgaria
Umberto Eco. Das Foucaultsche Pendel. Deutscher Bücherbund mit Genehmigung des Carl Hanser Verlag. München-Wien, 1989, 767 S.
1 item/s

10 лв.
Condition: 85, Bulgaria
Еремей Парнов. Боги Лотоса. Критические заметки о мифах, верованиях и мистике востока.
1 item/s

12 лв.
Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Индийская средневековая повествовательная проза. Пер. с санскрита. / Сост. и предисл. П. Гринцера; Коммент. И. Гринцера и С. Серебряного. Москва: Художественная литература, 1982, 399 с. 
1 item/s

240 лв.
Condition: 97, Bulgaria
The Nyāya-Sūtras of Gautama, with Vātsyāyana's Bhāṣya and Uddyotakāra's Vārttika. Translated into English, with notes from Vācaspatimiśra's Nyāyavārttika-Tatparyatika, Udayana's Tatparyapariśuddhi and Raghuttama's Bhāyacandra, by Mahāmahopādhyāya Gaṅgānātha Jhā. Vol. I-IV. First published in Indian Thought 1912-1919. Reprinted in Delhi: Motillal Banarsidass, 1984.
1 item/s

100 лв.
Condition: 75, Bulgaria
Hermann Oldenberg. Buddha: Sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde. Zehnte Auflage. Stuttgart und Berlin: Gotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1923, VIII, 444 S.
1 item/s

50 лв.
Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Johannes Mehlig. Weisheit des alten Indien. Band 1: Vorbuddhistische und nichtbuddhistische Texte. Leipzig-Weimar: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, Orientalische Bibliothek, 1987, 580 S.
1 item/s

78 лв.
Condition: 93, Bulgaria
Vedanta-sutras of Badarayana with the Commentary Sribhasya of Ramanuja, Translated by George Thibaut. Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XLVIII. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, Reprinted 1984, 812 pp.
1 item/s

60 лв.
Condition: 75, Bulgaria
Brahma-Sutra Bhasya of Shankaracharya. Translated by Swami Gambhirananda, Forwarded by Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1983, 920 pp.
1 item/s