Mind and its Functions in Indian Thought

Atreya, J. P., Classical Publishing Company, Pages: 278, Hardcover, Dust jacket, English, Year: 1985, Blemishes on the jacket, Delaminated neck binding, Bulgaria
A synthesis of the concepts of traditional Indian Thought as it relates to the field of Modern Psychology.
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A comprehensive monographic research into the history of orthodox Indian theories of manas, buddhi, atman and ahamkara opposed to the nastika soul theory of Jaina and anatma-vada, the no-soul doctrine, of Buddhism.

Prof. Atreya, J.P. is Head of the Philosophy Department at the K.G.K. College, Moradabad, U.P.

Author :
Atreya, J. P.
Place :
  • Delhi
Publisher :
Classical Publishing Company
Pages :
  • Hardcover
  • Dust jacket
Language :
  • English
Year :
Condition :
Notes :
  • Blemishes on the jacket
  • Delaminated neck binding
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