


Offering books in Western and Oriental philosophy, especially in German phenomenology, Indian metaphysics, Buddhist logic and epistemology. You will find also books in Linguistics, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, History and Cognitive science.

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Condition: 94, Bulgaria
P.I. Gradinarov. The Moon-Light of Logic: Studies in the Laugaksi Bhaskara's Tarka-Kaumudi. With an Introduction of R.V. Joshi. Delhi: Ajanta Books International, 1990, 144 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Madhyamakasastra of Nagarjuna, with the commentary Prasannapada by Chandrakirti, and with Hindi summary by Acharya Narendradeva. Edited by Swami Dwarika Das Shastri. Varanasi: Bauddha Bharati, 1989, 32, 80, 280 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 96, Bulgaria
Vaidalyaprakarana, Nagarjuna's Refutation of Logic (Buddhist Tradition Series, Vol. 24) by Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1st Edition 1995, Reprint 2004, 209 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 85, Bulgaria
Jaina Tarka Bhasha of Acharya Yashovijaya. With Translation and Critical Notes by Dr. Dayanand Bhargava. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1973, XX, 60, 174 pp. ISBN 8120808576.
1 item/s

Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Manikana: A Navya-Nyaya Manual. Edited with English Translation and Notes by Dr. E. R. Sreekrishna Sarma. Adyar: Adyar Library, 1960, XLIII, 149 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 95
Упанишады. В 3 книгах. Перевод с санскрита, предисловие и комментарии А.Я. Сыркина. Москва: Ладомир, Восточная литература, 1992 (кн.1 - 240 с., кн.2 - 336 с., кн.3 - 256 с.) - Памятники письменности Востока
1 item/s

Condition: 94, Bulgaria
Памятники индийской письменности из Центральной Азии. Выпуск 1. Издание текстов, исследование и комментарий Г.М. Бонгард-Левина и М.И. Воробьевой-Десятовской. Москва: Восточная литература, 1985, 286 с. - Bibliotheca Buddhica XXXIII
1 item/s

Condition: 92, Bulgaria
Manameyodaya of Narayana Bhatta. An Elementary Treatise on the Mimamsa. Edited with an English Translation by G. Kunhan Raja and S. S. Suryanarayana Sastri. Adyar: Theosophical Society, 1975, LII, 347 pp. - Adyar Library Series, No. 105
1 item/s

Condition: 80, Bulgaria
Speaking of Śiva. Translated from Kannada with an introduction by A. K. Ramanujan. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1973, 199 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 70, Bulgaria
Mookerjee, Satkari and Hojun Nagasaki. The Pramāṇavārttikam of Dharmakīrti: An English Translation of the First Chapter with the Autocommentary and with Elaborate Comments. Nava Nālandā Mahāvihāra Research Publication 4. Patna: Nava Nālandā Mahāvihāra, 1964, V, 134 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 97, Bulgaria
Тибетская Йога и Тайные Учения. Редакция, введение и комментарии Уолтера Эванса-Вентца. Комментарий Йоги Чен-Чи Чана. Москва: ФАИР-ПРЕСС, 2001, 480 с.
1 item/s

Condition: 95, Bulgaria
Nyāya philosophy: Literal translation of Gautama's Nyāya-sūtra & Vātsyāyana's Bhāṣya along with a free and abridged translation of the Elucidation of Mahāmahopādhyāya Phaṇibhūṣaṇa Tarkavāgīśa. Translated by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya and Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya. Part V: Fourth Adhyāya Second Āhnika. Calcutta: Indian Studies: Past & Present, 1976, 88 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 95, Bulgaria
Nyāya philosophy: Literal translation of Gautama's Nyāya-sūtra & Vātsyāyana's Bhāṣya along with a free and abridged translation of the Elucidation of Mahāmahopādhyāya Phaṇibhūṣaṇa Tarkavāgīśa. Translated by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya and Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya. Part IV: Fourth Adhyāya First Āhnika. Calcutta: Indian Studies: Past & Present, 1973, 100 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Nyāya philosophy: Literal translation of Gautama's Nyāya-sūtra & Vātsyāyana's Bhāṣya along with a free and abridged translation of the Elucidation of Mahāmahopādhyāya Phaṇibhūṣaṇa Tarkavāgīśa. Translated by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya and Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya. Part III: Third Adhyāya. Calcutta: Indian Studies: Past & Present, 1972, 188 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 75, Bulgaria
Nyāya philosophy: Literal translation of Gautama's Nyāya-sūtra & Vātsyāyana's Bhāṣya along with a free and abridged translation of the Elucidation of Mahāmahopādhyāya Phaṇibhūṣaṇa Tarkavāgīśa. Translated by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya and Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya. Part II: Second Adhyāya. Calcutta: Firma KLM, 1981, 162 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 85, Bulgaria
Nyāya philosophy: Literal translation of Gautama's Nyāya-sūtra & Vātsyāyana's Bhāṣya along with a free and abridged translation of the Elucidation of Mahāmahopādhyāya Phaṇibhūṣaṇa Tarkavāgīśa. Translated by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya and Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya. Part I: First Adhyāya. Calcutta: Indian Studies: Past & Present, 1975, 157 pp.
1 item/s