


Offering books in Western and Oriental philosophy, especially in German phenomenology, Indian metaphysics, Buddhist logic and epistemology. You will find also books in Linguistics, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, History and Cognitive science.

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Condition: 97, Bulgaria
Ключевский В.О. Курс русской истории. Том 1. Москва: Мысль, 1987, 432 с.
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Condition: 97, Bulgaria
Карамзин Н.М. История государства российского. В 12 томах. Т. 1-5. М.: Наука, 1989-1993, 2512 с.
1 item/s

Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Мифологический словарь. Под ред. Е. М. Мелетинского. Москва: Советская Энциклопедия, 1990, 672 с. ISBN: 5-85270-032-0
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Condition: 93, Bulgaria
Мустайоки А. Теория функционального синтаксиса: от семантических структур к языковым средствам. Москва: Языки славянской культуры, 2006, 512 с.
1 item/s

Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Бейкер М. Атомы языка. Грамматика в темном поле сознания. Москва: ЛКИ, 2008, 272  с.
1 item/s

Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Със своите близо 90 000 речникови единици "Официален правописен речник на българския език" е най-пълният досега справочник от този тип. Речникът има...
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Condition: 95, Bulgaria
Селиверстова О.Н. Труды по семантике. Москва: Языки славянской культуры, 2004. 960 с.
1 item/s

Condition: 96, Bulgaria
Фуко, М. История на сексуалността. Том 1: Волята за знание. Плевен: ЕА, 1993, 216 с.
1 item/s

Condition: 96, Bulgaria
Свядощ А.М. Женская сексопатология. 3-е издание. Москва: Медицина, 1988. 176 с.
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Condition: 96, Bulgaria
Ив Левин. Секс и общество на православните славяни. София: УИ "Св. Климент Охридски", 1991, 336 стр.
1 item/s

Condition: 92, Bulgaria
Manameyodaya of Narayana Bhatta. An Elementary Treatise on the Mimamsa. Edited with an English Translation by G. Kunhan Raja and S. S. Suryanarayana Sastri. Adyar: Theosophical Society, 1975, LII, 347 pp. - Adyar Library Series, No. 105
1 item/s

Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Shiv Kumar. Sāṁkhya-Yoga Epistemology. Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers, 1984, XVI, 216 pp.
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Condition: 80, Bulgaria
Speaking of Śiva. Translated from Kannada with an introduction by A. K. Ramanujan. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1973, 199 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Gaspar M. Koelman. Pātañjala Yoga: From Related Ego to Absolute Self. Poona: Papal Athenaeum, 1970, XI, 280 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Balbir Singh. Indian Metaphysics. Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann, 1986, XII, 177 pp.
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Condition: 80, Bulgaria
Atreya, Jagat Prakash. Mind and it's Functions in Indian Thought. Delhi: Classical Publishing Company, 1985, 278 pp.
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Condition: 85, Bulgaria
Swami Satprakashananda. Methods of Knowledge according to Advaita Vedanta. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1974, 366 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 80, Bulgaria
Chandradhar Sharma. A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1987, 415 pp.
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Condition: 80, Bulgaria
Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha of Madhavacarya. Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Notes and Appendix. Translated by E.B. Cowell & A.E. Gough. Edited by K.L. Joshi. Delhi: Parimal Publications, VII, 391 pp. 
1 item/s

Condition: 70, Bulgaria
Mookerjee, Satkari and Hojun Nagasaki. The Pramāṇavārttikam of Dharmakīrti: An English Translation of the First Chapter with the Autocommentary and with Elaborate Comments. Nava Nālandā Mahāvihāra Research Publication 4. Patna: Nava Nālandā Mahāvihāra, 1964, V, 134 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 99, Bulgaria
Moral Dilemmas in the Mahābhārata. Edited by Bimal Krishna Matilal. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1989, XIV, 156 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 97, Bulgaria
Matilal, B. K. Logic, Language and Reality: Indian Philosophy and Comtemporary Issues. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1997, 447 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber (Autor), und andere. Lexikon der östlichen Weisheitslehren: Buddhismus - Hinduismus - Taoismus - Zen. Bern - München, Wien: O. W. Barth, 1986, 497 S. ISBN 3502674035
1 item/s

Condition: 75, Bulgaria

Karl H. Potter (Editor). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Volume 2: Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology: The Tradition of Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika up to Gangeśa. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977, X, 744 pp.

1 item/s

Condition: 99, Bulgaria
Harold G. Coward & K. Kunjunni Raja (Editors). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Vol. 5: The Philosophy of the Grammarians. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2001, XII, 609 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 99, Bulgaria
Karl H. Potter & Sibaljan Bhattacharyya (Editors). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Vol. 6: Indian Philosophical Analysis. Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika up to Gaṅgeśa and Raghunātha Śiromaṇi. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, Reprint 2001, X, 672 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Karl H. Potter (Editor). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Vol. 7: Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 A.D. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, Reprint 1998, X, 636 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Karl H. Potter (Editor). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Vol. 8: Buddhist Philosophy from 100 to 350 A.D. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, Reprint Edition 2002, 827 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 94, Bulgaria
Нагата Хироси. История философской мысли Японии. Москва: Прогресс, 1991, 414 стр.
1 item/s

Condition: 97, Bulgaria
Восток - Запад. Исследования. Переводы. Публикации. Выпуск IV. Москва:  Наука - Главная редакция восточной литературы, 1989, 302 стр.
1 item/s

Condition: 96, Bulgaria
Медведев, E. M. Очерки истории Индии до XIII века. Москва: Наука - Главная редакция Восточная Литература, 1990, 332 стр. ISBN 5-02-016902-1
1 item/s

Condition: 90, Bulgaria
David Fraawley. How I Became a Hindu: My discovery of vedic dharma. Delhi: Voice of India, 2000, 208 pp.
1 item/s