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Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Gaspar M. Koelman. Pātañjala Yoga: From Related Ego to Absolute Self. Poona: Papal Athenaeum, 1970, XI, 280 pp.
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Condition: 96, Bulgaria
Yoga-varttika of Vijnana Bhiksu. Text with Critical Notes and English Translation by T. S. Rukmani. Vols 1-4. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 1981-1989, 1047 pp.
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Condition: 97, Bulgaria
The Nyāya-Sūtras of Gautama, with Vātsyāyana's Bhāṣya and Uddyotakāra's Vārttika. Translated into English, with notes from Vācaspatimiśra's Nyāyavārttika-Tatparyatika, Udayana's Tatparyapariśuddhi and Raghuttama's Bhāyacandra, by Mahāmahopādhyāya Gaṅgānātha Jhā. Vol. I-IV. First published in Indian Thought 1912-1919. Reprinted in Delhi: Motillal Banarsidass, 1984.
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Condition: 99, Bulgaria
Karl H. Potter & Sibaljan Bhattacharyya (Editors). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Vol. 6: Indian Philosophical Analysis. Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika up to Gaṅgeśa and Raghunātha Śiromaṇi. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, Reprint 2001, X, 672 pp.
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Condition: 99, Bulgaria
Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, The Lover Within: Accessing the Lover in the Male Psyche. New York: William Morrow & Co, 1993, 288 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Karl H. Potter (Editor). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Vol. 8: Buddhist Philosophy from 100 to 350 A.D. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, Reprint Edition 2002, 827 pp.
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Condition: 99, Bulgaria
Harold G. Coward & K. Kunjunni Raja (Editors). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Vol. 5: The Philosophy of the Grammarians. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2001, XII, 609 pp.
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Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Karl H. Potter (Editor). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Vol. 7: Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 A.D. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, Reprint 1998, X, 636 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 85, Bulgaria
The Samkhya Philosophy. Containing (1) Samkhya-pravachanasutram, with the Vritti of Aniruddha, and the Bhasya of Vijnanabhiksu and Extracts from the Vrittisara of Mahadeva Vedantin; (2) Tatvasamasa; (3) Samkhyakarika; (4) Panchasikhasutram. Translated from the original Sankrit by Nandalal Sinha. 1979 OBRC Reprint from the First Edition of Panini Office: Allahabad, 1915, 800 pp.
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Condition: 75, Bulgaria

Karl H. Potter (Editor). Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Volume 2: Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology: The Tradition of Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika up to Gangeśa. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977, X, 744 pp.

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Condition: 97, Bulgaria
Matilal, B. K. Logic, Language and Reality: Indian Philosophy and Comtemporary Issues. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1997, 447 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 95, Bulgaria
Yogasutrabhasyavivarana of Sankara: Text with English translation (by T. S. Rukmani) and Critical notes along with Text and Translation of Patanjali's Yogasutras and Vyasabhasya, 2 vols.: Vol. I: Samadhipada and Sadhanapada, Vol. II: Vibhutipada and Kaivalyapada. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 2001, XXXI+389, X+230 pp.
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Condition: 75, Bulgaria
Hermann Oldenberg. Buddha: Sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde. Zehnte Auflage. Stuttgart und Berlin: Gotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1923, VIII, 444 S.
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Condition: 97, Bulgaria
Брахма-сутра на Бадараяна с коментарите (Брахма-сутра-бхашя) на Шанкара Ачаря. София: Евразия, 1992, 800 стр.
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Condition: 75, Bulgaria
तत्त्वसंग्रह: Tattvasangraha of Acārya Śāntarakṣita with the Panjika Comentary of Acarya Kamalasila, critically edited by Swami Dwarikadass Shastri. Varanasi: Bauddha Bharati, Vol. 1, 1981, 40, 1-592, Vol. 2, 1982, VII, 593-1130, 94 pp.
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Condition: 95, Bulgaria
Kumarila Bhatta's Slokavarttika, translated by Ganganatha Jha. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1985, 568 pp.
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Condition: 80, Bulgaria
Yogasutram by Maharishi Patanjali, with Six Commentaries: (1) Rajamartanda by Bhojaraja, (2) Pradipika by Bhava-Ganesha, (3) Vritti by Nagoji Bhatta, (4) Maniprabha by Ramanandayati, (5) Chandrika by Anantadeva, and (6) Yoga-sudhakara by Sadashivendra Sarasvati. - Kashi Sanskrit Series 83. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, 1982, 64, 6, 12, 222 pp.
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Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Balbir Singh. Indian Metaphysics. Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann, 1986, XII, 177 pp.
1 item/s

Condition: 93, Bulgaria
Vedanta-sutras of Badarayana with the Commentary Sribhasya of Ramanuja, Translated by George Thibaut. Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XLVIII. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, Reprinted 1984, 812 pp.
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Condition: 90, Bulgaria
Jadunath Sinha. Indian Realism. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1986, XVI, 287 pp.
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Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Йога-даршана. Йога-сутра на Патанджали с коментарите на Вяса, Вачаспати Мишра, Виджняна Бхикшу, Нагоджи Бхатта и др. Самадхи-пада, За медитацията. Превод от санскрит Пламен Градинаров. София: Евразия, Bibliotheca Indica 7, 636 стр.
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Condition: 85, Bulgaria
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, with the Commentary of Vyasa and the Gloss of Vachaspati Misra. Translated by Rama Prasada and an Introduction by Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1988, 334 pp.
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Condition: 75, Bulgaria
Brahma-Sutra Bhasya of Shankaracharya. Translated by Swami Gambhirananda, Forwarded by Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1983, 920 pp.
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Condition: 80, Bulgaria
Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha of Madhavacarya. Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Notes and Appendix. Translated by E.B. Cowell & A.E. Gough. Edited by K.L. Joshi. Delhi: Parimal Publications, VII, 391 pp. 
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Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Johannes Mehlig. Weisheit des alten Indien. Band 1: Vorbuddhistische und nichtbuddhistische Texte. Leipzig-Weimar: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, Orientalische Bibliothek, 1987, 580 S.
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Condition: 92, Bulgaria
Manameyodaya of Narayana Bhatta. An Elementary Treatise on the Mimamsa. Edited with an English Translation by G. Kunhan Raja and S. S. Suryanarayana Sastri. Adyar: Theosophical Society, 1975, LII, 347 pp. - Adyar Library Series, No. 105
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Condition: 90, Bulgaria
А. Ф. Лосев. Очерки античного символизма и мифологии. Москва: Мысль, 1993, 960 с.
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Condition: 92, Bulgaria
Философията на ранния будизъм. Степени на медитацията в Пали-канона. Милинда-панха. София: Евразия, 1997, 368 стр.
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Condition: 95
Упанишады. В 3 книгах. Перевод с санскрита, предисловие и комментарии А.Я. Сыркина. Москва: Ладомир, Восточная литература, 1992 (кн.1 - 240 с., кн.2 - 336 с., кн.3 - 256 с.) - Памятники письменности Востока
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Condition: 95, Bulgaria
Гадамер, Ханс-Георг. Истина и метод: Основы философской герменевтики. Пер. с нем./Общ. ред. и вступ. ст. Б. Н. Бессонова. М.: Прогресс, 1988, 704 с.
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Condition: 80, Bulgaria
Bhagavad Gita Bhasya of Sri Sankaracarya. With Text in Devanagari and English Rendering by Dr. A. G. Krishna Warrior. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1983, XX, 682 pp.
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Condition: 98, Bulgaria
Джойс Д. Улисс / Пер. с англ. В. Хинкиса и С. Хоружего; коммент. С. Хоружего. Москва: Республика, 1993, 671 с.
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